/* TEAM */ Creator: Gladney Center for Adoption URL: https://adoptionsbygladney.com. Description: The Gladney Center for Adoption is a renowned and compassionate nonprofit organization dedicated to creating brighter futures for children and families through the beautiful act of adoption. Founded in 1887 by I.Z.T. Morris in Fort Worth, Texas, it has since become a pioneering leader in the field of adoption services, leaving an indelible mark on countless lives. At the heart of the Gladney Center for Adoption's mission is the belief that every child deserves a loving, stable, and permanent home. Their tireless commitment to this ideal has made them a trusted partner for both birth parents and adoptive families, providing a safe, supportive, and empathetic environment throughout the entire adoption journey. /* THANKS */ Craft CMS - https://craftcms.com Pixel & Tonic - https://pixelandtonic.com /* SITE */ Standards: HTML5, CSS3 Components: Craft CMS 3, Yii2, PHP, JavaScript, SEOmatic